Multi-acre area of undeveloped woods behind my home
Shared passion with my dad for mountain biking
Wanted an area close to home to ride and have fun
Recently got into downhill mountain biking and wanted an area to improve on jumps and features
Walked through woods and developed rough trail layout
Cleared brush, grass, trees, and bushes where necessary
Raked trail and laid stick borders along length to clearly mark the trail
Used tractor to build jumps and dig out larger areas
Converted old walking bridge to bike feature and moved it to the woods
Built miscellaneous features including log jumps, banked turns, and a teeter-totter
Filmed all progress with GoPro cameras
Process is ongoing to-date; new additions are added whenever I am able to return home
Completed 500+ yard mountain bike trail full of jumps and unique features
Edited and posted GoPro video of initial trail work during Summer 2017
Mastered mountain bike riding through trail
Skills Developed
Bike trail development and maintenance techniques
Adapted woodworking skills to bike feature creation
Further honed skills with GoPro filming and post-video editing on iMovie